Aleksandrovich, Iakovenko Andrey
【Abstract】Annotation. Global digitalization sets new requirements and standards for the interaction of various fields and practices of human activity, in particular the combination of legal and technical regulators, without which it is impossible to achieve an effective and adequate legal regulation of public relations in the digital era. This article discusses the possibility and necessity of integrating classical legal institutions with components of the digital environment. It analyses the idea of reflection of law as a social regulator in the architecture of programs and examines existing examples of practical use of digital technology in legal activities. The subject of the study is the domestic and foreign legal doctrine dedicated to the issues of digitalization and the practical implementation of information technology in legal activities. The following methods of scientific research were used in this study: statistical; dogmatic; comparative-legal; synergetic, as well as logical, functional and systematic. The novelty of the study is due to the need to bring together the legal and information system during the rapid process of digitalisation of all fields of society. The author concludes that new technological solutions can and will undoubtedly become indispensable supporting solutions in legal activity, however, today the level of technology development does not allow to fully replace the human being with technology.
【Keywords】digitalisation; integration; artificial intelligence; blockchain; principles of law; deepfake; big data; convergence; architecture; moral and ethical standards; national legal regulation; international law