Exploiting Blockchain Data to Detect Smart Ponzi Schemes on Ethereum[J] IEEE ACCESS 2019(7) Chen, Weili Zheng, Zibin Ngai, Edith Zheng, Peilin Zhou, Yuren
Detecting Ponzi Schemes on Ethereum: Towards Healthier Blockchain Technology[C] WEB CONFERENCE 2018: PROCEEDINGS OF THE WORLD WIDE WEB CONFERENCE (WWW2018) 2018 Chen, Weili Zheng, Zibin Cui, Jiahui Ngai, Edith Zheng, Peilin Zhou, Yuren
Detecting Mixing Services via Mining Bitcoin Transaction Network With Hybrid Motifs[J] IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SYSTEMS MAN CYBERNETICS-SYSTEMS Wu, Jiajing Liu, Jieli Chen, Weili Huang, Huawei Zheng, Zibin Zhang, Yan