A new "Wall Street Darling?" effects of regulation sentiment in cryptocurrency markets FINANCE RESEARCH LETTERS English Article Consensus mechanism; Blockchain finance; Regulation sentiment; Proof of Work (POF); Proof-of-Stake (POS); Ethereum; Bitcoin BITCOIN; ATTENTION; SEARCH We analyze the prospect of cryptocurrency regulation affects cryptocurrency prices, volatility and trading using the Google Trend technique to construct the Crypto Regulation Sentiment Index (CRSX) reflecting inves[J] FINANCE RESEARCH LETTERS 2023(52) Bonaparte, Yosef Bernile, Gennaro
Using Blockchain Technology to Mitigate Challenges in Service Access for the Homeless and Data Exchange Between Providers: Qualitative Study[J] JOURNAL OF MEDICAL INTERNET RESEARCH 2020(22) Khurshid, Anjum Rajeswaren, Vivian Andrews, Steven
Time horizon and cryptocurrency ownership: Is crypto not speculative?*[J] JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL MARKETS INSTITUTIONS & MONEY 2022(79) Bonaparte, Yosef