White knight in dark days? Supply chain finance firms, blockchain, and the COVID-19 pandemic[J] INFORMATION & MANAGEMENT 2022(59) Paul, Samit Adhikari, Arnab Bose, Indranil
White knight in dark days? Supply chain finance firms, blockchain, and the COVID-19 pandemic[J] INFORMATION & MANAGEMENT 2022(59) Paul, Samit Adhikari, Arnab Bose, Indranil
Identification and analysis of adoption barriers of disruptive technologies in the logistics industry[J] INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LOGISTICS MANAGEMENT 2022(33) Rathore, Bhawana Gupta, Rohit Biswas, Baidyanath Srivastava, Abhishek Gupta, Shubhi
Disruptive Technologies for Achieving Supply Chain Resilience in COVID-19 Era: An Implementation Case Study of Satellite Imagery and Blockchain Technologies in Fish Supply Chain[J] INFORMATION SYSTEMS FRONTIERS Sengupta, Tuhin Narayanamurthy, Gopalakrishnan Moser, Roger Pereira, Vijay Bhattacharjee, Devleena