Huang, Baoying; Liu, Jieli; Wu, Jiajing; Li, Quanzhong; Lin, Hao
【Abstract】Due to the widespread use of smart contracts, Ethereum has become the second-largest blockchain platform after Bitcoin. Many di fferent types of Ethereum accounts (ICO, Mining, Gambling, etc.) also have quite active trading activities on Ethereum. Studying the transaction records of these specific Ethereum accounts is very important for understanding their particular transaction characteristics, and further labeling the pseudonymous accounts. However, traditional methods are generally based on static and global transaction networks to conduct research, ignoring useful information about dynamic changes. Our work chooses six kinds of important account labels, and builds ego networks for each kind of Ethereum account. We focus on the interaction between the target node and neighbor nodes with temporal analysis. Experiments show that there is a significant di fference between various types of accounts in terms of several network features, helping us better understand their transaction patterns. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work to analyze the dynamic characteristics of Ethereum labeled accounts from the perspective of transaction ego networks.