Zhao, Ning; Wu, Hao
【Abstract】With the development of the autonomous hybrid plug-in electric vehicles (AHEVs), majority of AHEVs are equipped with bidirectional chargers. However, during the energy trading process, the centralized schemes are exposed to many flaws like the high energy transmission loss and cannot resist the single-point failure. Therefore, it is more important to use the decentralized manner to keep the safety energy trading between AHEVs. In this paper, we propose a decentralized energy trading architecture in which AHEVs can broadcast their requirements to neighbors and negotiate with other AHEVs on the transmission parameters without a transaction server. The smart contract (SC) is deployed among RSUs which can be automatically executed after the negotiation process. To promote AHEVs to behave honestly on the road, we associate the trust value of AHEVs with the charging price. We use proof-of-concept to theoretically demonstrate the feasibility of the development of the SC and the security properties of the proposed scheme. The simulation results demonstrate the proposed negotiation scheme outperforms the non-negotiation scheme in the aspect of efficiency.
【Keywords】Energy trading; blockchain; smart contract; electric vehicles