Xiong, Wei; Xiong, Li
【Abstract】In this paper, a data resource protection solution is proposed to eliminate the potential risk of data owners reselling others' data resources. By utilizing the key functions of Ethereum blockchain and smart contract, a data-for-sale mechanism is built. By this mechanism, data for-sale information is received and processed, the information is broadcast to the nodes in the blockchain, and the feedback of the nodes to the information is handled. By introducing large-margin multi-task metric learning, a dispute resolution mechanism is constructed to solve data-for-sale disputes. By designing data-for-sale, access to market, dispute resolution algorithms, data resource protection is realized. By proposing sequence diagrams and algorithms, smart contract is finished. Finally, according to the solution, the test and validation of the smart contract is completed. The code for the smart contract and ABI interface is available on GitHub. (c) 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
【Keywords】Data resource protection; Ethereum; Blockchain; Smart contract; Machine learning