Zhang, Mingmin; Wang, Yuan; Zhou, Jiehan; Pan, Zhigeng
【Abstract】Metaverse is the next generation gaming Internet, and virtual humans play an important role in Metaverse. The simultaneous representation of motions and emotions of virtual humans attracts more attention in academics and industry, which significantly improves user experience with the vivid continuous simulation of virtual humans. Different from existing work which only focuses on either the expression of facial expressions or body motions, this paper presents a novel and real-time virtual human prototyping system, which enables a simultaneous realtime expression of motions and emotions of virtual humans (short for SimuMan). SimuMan not only enables users to generate personalized virtual humans in the metaverse world, but also enables them to naturally and simultaneously present six facial expressions and ten limb motions, and continuously generate various facial expressions by setting parameters. We evaluate SimuMan objectively and subjectively to demonstrate its fidelity, naturalness, and real-time. The experimental results show that the SimuMan system is characterized by low latency, good interactivity, easy operation, good robustness, and wide application.
【Keywords】Metaverse; Virtual human; Facial expression; Motion generation and synthesis; Motion synchronization