Bian, Yiyang; Leng, Jiewu; Zhao, J. Leon
【Source】BIG DATA, BIGDATA 2021
【Abstract】As Facebook takes on metaverse as its new business infrastructure and company image, this new development blows a swirling wind through the IT industry. However, metaverse as a new enterprise paradigm is still quite unfamiliar to many technical people, letting along most business managers. In this paper, we give an overview of metaverse as a potential business platform and propose a framework for enterprise digitization. In particular, we clarify several critical concepts such as blockchainization, gamification, tokenization, and virtualization in relation to four Ps of marketing mix: People, Place, Product, and Process; although as many as ten Ps have been proposed, four of them are sufficient for our purposes.
【Keywords】Metaverse; Enterprise digitization; Marketing mix; 4Ps