【发明人】 LIU X
【专利号】CN113254467-A; CN113254467-B
【摘要】 NOVELTY - Executing transaction in block chain system comprises invoking a transaction contract and interface function for confirming existence of a variable, executing interface function before returning a result of the interface function, and executing contract according to preset existence of the variable. USE - The method is used for executing transaction in block chain system. ADVANTAGE - The method enables executing the contract according to the preset existence of the variable before returning the result of the interface function. DETAILED DESCRIPTION - An INDEPENDENT CLAIM is included for blockchain node comprising first execution unit for executing interface function and second execution unit for executing the contract according to the preset existence of the variable. DESCRIPTION OF DRAWING(S) - The drawing shows a schematic diagram of the executing transaction in block chain system (Drawing includes non-English language text).